Alpacas have grown in popularity over recent years. As livestock, alpacas are considered eco-friendly because they thrive on less land, food, and water than other animals of the same size. They are also able to adapt to a versatile range of climates. The highly efficient digestive system of alpacas creates some of the most sought-after manure, as it has a lower organic content (making it far less pungent) while providing the necessary nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus for healthy gardens. What alpacas are widely known around the world for, though, is their durable, soft, water-resistant fleece, which can be used for everything from blankets to rugs to hats, mittens, scarves, gloves, and even toys such as teddy bears.

Experience The Alpaca’s Innate Calm at Briarwood Acres
Kolette and Bob Newman run an alpaca farm just a few short minutes from downtown Salem. At their farm, Briarwood Acres, the Newmans are eager to provide you, your friends, your work group, and your family with a fun and educational farm experience while enjoying a meet and mingle with Suri alpacas, who are known for having fleece that is even softer than cashmere. The Newmans are flexible and will work with you to plan whatever kind of farm experience you and your group would like. Whether it’s a birthday party, corporate event, or school field trip, they know how to ensure your unique group has the best possible farm experience while visiting Briarwood Acres.

The Farm Tour: Wear Your Boots and Bring Your Camera
On the Briarwood Acres farm tour, participants will have an opportunity to feed and pet the alpacas and also the llamas who live on the farm. Boots are recommended, especially when there’s been a recent rain. All ages are encouraged to come out and experience the joy these animals give. Briarwood Acres is open year-round. Visitors are encouraged to call to inquire about the availability of farm tours or to schedule a visit to the farm at 503.269.1673. Two essential things to remember are to wear your boots if you have any and definitely bring your camera because you will want pics with some ultra-photogenic and furry scene stealers.

Open Barn Events at Briarwood Acres
Admission to Briarwood Acres is $15 for adults and $10 for those under 18. Occasionally, Briarwood Acres offers an open barn event in which the admission fees are waived, and people are invited to come and tour the alpaca farm’s barn, where visitors can participate in various crafts, spinning demonstrations, a fiber-related activity, and more. During these events, feed is available for purchase for anyone wishing to feed the alpacas, which, of course, is everyone.

The Boutique at Briarwood Acres
Suri alpaca fleece is silky, lustrous, waterproof, more lightweight than sheep wool, and up to three times warmer. The alpaca fiber is hollow in the center, allowing it to capture and hold body heat better. Additionally, clothing made with alpaca fleece will wick away moisture the same way that sports clothing does. The boutique at Briarwood Acres is open during sponsored events or by appointment and sells a varied assortment of alpaca fleece hats, gloves, scarves, teddy bears, and yarn.

Connecting With Alpacas is Known to Relieve Stress
Aside from providing fleece for practical and aesthetic purposes, alpacas offer another valuable asset. From the first look at an alpaca’s innocent-looking face to the feeling of its soft lips nuzzling an outstretched hand of kibble, humans tend to become calm as soon as they’re in the presence of these docile creatures. Spending time enjoying the friendly demeanor of alpacas is becoming a popular activity for reducing stress and anxiety in humans. Hugging an alpaca or gently petting or touching its soft fiber releases relaxing hormones.
Watching the alpacas’ playfulness will fully engage a person’s thoughts, relieving them of stress and perhaps even making them smile and laugh, boosting happy hormones. Lower stress levels not only feel better at the moment but are also physically healthier as heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels decrease. People of all ages appear to benefit from petting or brushing alpacas, feeding and walking them, and even taking pictures with them. So, enjoy the Suri alpaca experience at Briarwood Acres and relieve some of the stress of everyday life with the alpacas there.
Briarwood Acres, The Suri Alpaca Experience
4150 Briarwood Street NW, Salem