What does an ox have in common with cherry blossoms? If you were at the Salem Armory watching Salem’s professional minor league basketball team, the Salem Capitals, you would see the blue ox and the pink blossoms adorning the team uniforms. The cherry blossoms are tied to Salem’s history in quite a celebratory manner. Salem’s nickname is Cherry City due to its history of cherry cultivation and production. It was once celebrated during the popular Cherry Fair and is now acclaimed during Cherry Blossom Day. Cherry City is more than a nickname. It is a phrase that denotes a joyous coming together of community and friends.

As for the blue ox on the uniform, that’s one of the oxen (metaphorically) pulled right off the Oregon State seal. Of course, on the state seal, the ox isn’t blue, but blue is a very popular color and looks really good on that ox. According to team owner Jason Conrad, the name of the ox is Noble, as in “No Bull” (i.e., not a bull, an ox).

Salem Capitals basketball
Two young people from the stands play a game of free throws and tic tac toe during a time out during the March 1 Salem Capitals basketball game against Vancouver. Photo credit: Tami Richards

The Basketball League Gains Momentum

2025 marks the fourth year of Salem’s professional basketball team, one of nine teams making up the western conference of The Basketball League  (TBL), a league that began in 2018 as North America Premier Basketball (NAPB). At its inception, NAPB started with eight teams and has quickly grown to over 37 teams playing in four conferences and is now operating as TBL. The teams play roughly 20 games a season, not counting the playoffs.

Salem Capitals basketball
The Cherry Blossoms dance team performing during a time out at a Salem Capitals basketball game. Photo credit: Tami Richards

Basketball is More Fun Than Ever in Salem

The Salem Capitals play through May, so get your tickets soon, or you’ll find yourself waiting until next season to catch one of the Salem Capitals’ unforgettable basketball games.

What does a typical game look like? The Salem Capitals go a long way in getting the fans involved in the game. Upon entering the doors to the Armory located on the grounds of the Oregon State Fairgrounds, the fans are greeted by the pulsing rhythm of music and whisked down a line of smiling, high-energy team dancers known as the cherry blossoms.

Salem Capitals basketball
EJ That DJ keeps the stadium pumping during a Salem Capitals basketball game on March 1. Photo credit: Tami Richards

Along with calling all the spectators down from the stands to join in dancing on the court during halftime, the emcees also call fans to the court for shooting competitions during the team’s time-outs. The entire game is DJ’d by EJ that DJ, and Noble, the blue ox, helps the emcees direct the fan-fun taking place on the court. From free throw competitions to combination basket shooting exercises to other interesting twists in basketball fun, the action is non-stop and exciting.

Liquid refreshments and good eats from Odd Moe’s Pizza are available at every game, and there are always several raffles for great prizes during the games. For statistics-minded sports fans, stats are made available after each game, making it possible to relive the game play-by-play.

Salem Capitals basketball
Jason Conrad is the owner of the Salem Capitals. He has played professional basketball in several countries and has also played for TBL. Photo courtesy: Salem Capitals

The Real Drive is the Salem Community

The Salem Capitals are minor league professional basketball players who are also deeply involved in their local community. They provide affordable family fun on the court, but they also visit school groups and provide youth camps and basketball clinics, and the team also partners with local non-profits.

When not playing basketball, the team is involved with local businesses and in community events, youth sports organizations such as Hoopla, and even riverfront activities. The team is eager to help out in the community wherever and whenever they can, which is not only because it is the goal of the league’s ideals to make a positive impact in the community but also the goal of owner Jason Conrad, who played with TBL while in college and reached many local children with his after-school art program. Conrad, who played professional basketball in the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, and Germany, has learned through his experiences the importance of community and of having family-friendly activities accessible to the community.

Salem Capitals basketball
Noble the great blue Ox is the team mascot for the Salem Capitals Basketball. Here he is helping to lead the spectators in a cheering contest. Photo credit: Tami Richards

Catch Every Salem Capitals Basketball Game On TBL TV

Fans who can’t make it to away games, or those who are unable to attend a home game, can subscribe to TBL’s basketball station TBL TV, and stream every game along with tons of bonus material. There are several subscription options available on TBL TV, ranging from a game, team or league pass.

Tickets to watch the Salem Capitals basketball team play at the Salem Armory (located at the Oregon State Fairgrounds) can be purchased here.

Salem Armory Auditorium
2310 17th Street NE, Salem

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